The National Ambassador Leadership Summit (NALS) is based off the foundation of the program being MSM and Trans driven in the effort to bridge the gaps in the development of effective advocacy, programming, policy, and research targeting the population. NALS offers comprehensive, cutting-edge educational sessions presented and facilitated by influential members of the LGBTQ community who are looked upon by the young LGBTQ community as community ambassadors and leaders.
NALS is completely free of charge to the community and collaborates with over 20 partnered organizations led by MSM and Trans persons, in which vast majorities are ex sex workers. Together we work to strengthen our youth by creating civil society, advocating for their human rights and improving the provision of HIV services in the Deep South states. The 2019 summit was well attended by over 250 participates of the community with over 60% of attendance by the YMSM and YTrans community. Prior to implementation of the summit, NALS established a planning body where at least 90% of the governing members were comprised of MSM and Trans persons of color.
The Planning Body includes an assembly of individuals; HIV negative, HIV positive, young adults under 30, older adults 50 plus living with HIV, general members of the MSM and Transgender community and leaders of MSM and Transgender led organizations. The Planning Body assisted with the planning, designing and structuring of The National Ambassador Leadership Summit. The Planning Body will also provide guidance during the implementation phases over the course of this project; providing technical assistance and best practice intelligence.
The ultimate goal of The National Ambassador Leadership Summit aims to improve health outcomes for YMSM and YTran persons at high risk of contracting HIV/AIDS and for those newly diagnosed with HIV or out of care for greater than six months, increase access to culturally competent care and improve health outcomes for YMSM and YTrans individuals living in Metro Atlanta and surrounding states. During NALS the participants are linked to a multiplicity of supportive services; housing, medical, hormone replacement therapy, substance and mental health counseling, as well as trauma informed care.
NALS Objectives:
To incorporate the lived experience and knowledge of people living with HIV.
To promote rights-based, evidence-informed and equitably funded programming that is tailored to the needs of key populations and other vulnerable communities, including people living with HIV, displaced populations, men who have sex with men and transgender individuals.
To strengthen commitment from governments, donors, the private sector and civil society for an inclusive, sustainable and adequately financed HIV response that promotes universal health coverage and access, scales up comprehensive prevention approaches– all to highlight the unfortunate reality that the epidemic is far from over.
To amplify the voices of young people and solidify the next generation of leaders and advocates by providing an innovative and inclusive platform for young people and emerging leaders to continue to meaningfully lead discussions.
To examine the impact of stigma, social injustice and social determinants of health, including racial, social, economic and gender inequalities, as well as food insecurity and unstable housing, on the HIV epidemic.
The NALS is a peer lead initiative erected around the idea of formulating a communal, safe place for youth across the gender spectrum, along with their allies to gather and be provided a supportive and welcoming environment. Through the actualization of our thriving co-created community, we will continue to foster an environment conducive to nourishing and expanding support, education, activism, awareness, the arts, advocacy, wellness, empowerment, visibility, acceptance and self-determination for persons of transgender and gender non-conforming identities. Once again NALS, welcomes you.